Delp Family Research

In presenting an overview of our research into the Delp branch of our Family Tree, we will cover history, current efforts, road blocks, and acknowledgments:


In chronological order, we present here the highlights of progress made toward understanding more about this branch of our family tree:

Current Efforts

With the knowledge we have obtained about the "skeleton" of this branch of our family, efforts are now ongoing to flesh this out with more stories, pictures, etc. to hopefully be provided by older members of the family.  As these become available, these pages will be expanded for the benefit of all.

Road Blocks

None at the moment.


We wish to acknowledge here our indebtedness and appreciation for the following people, who have helped us reach our present understanding of this branch of our family tree:

May each of you enjoy many happy returns on the helpfulness you have provided and kindness you have demonstrated to your extended family members and distant cousins!   Without the assistance of each of you in your own indispensible way, we would never have come to our present understanding of our family ancestry.

The author would be most grateful if anyone uncovering more
information would be so kind as to pass it on.

E-mail the Robersons

Author: Roger L. Roberson, Jr.   •   Last updated: 27 March 2003