George Washington and Ellen Almira (Doolittle) Delp

This is the only known photograph of George Washington Delp, who died 11 October 1884.  We also have a portrait here of his wife, Ellen Almira Doolittle.   Judging from their appearance and making an educated guess about the age, these portraits may have been taken around the time of their marriage in 1866 in Whiteside Co., Illinois.

photo_delp_george_and_ellen.jpg (29132 bytes)

As we can see, these photos didn't make it to the present in very good shape, but we are thankful to at least have these pictures, as they give us a reasonably good idea of what this couple looked like.

These images come to us from the pages of a manuscript produced years ago by Geraldine (Fly) Donaldson and, at present, we have no information about when or where they were taken.  The author worked with the images taken from photocopies, courtesy of Joan Wieringa, of the above mentioned manuscript and put them together in the manner presented here.

The author would be very grateful if anyone knowing more about the originals of these images would be so kind as to pass it along.

Author: Roger L. Roberson, Jr.   •   Last updated: 27 March 2003
