The following excerpt contains a brief description of some of the towns found in the our Gibson Family History:
"... A few miles to the south Brooks Walker picked a sandy crossroads for his
store, and in 1894 opened a postoffice and called it Moral because he allowed no saloons
in town. Moral once had two busy doctors, two general stores, a hotel and numerous
business houses. Principal occupation of the citizens is said to have been the
catching of squirrels for Kansas City and St. Louis Parks.
When the construction crews arrived, they changed this picture, just as they did
everywhere they brought their rails and ties. Burnett picked up and moved to become
Macomb. Moral moved 3 miles north and a mile west to become Tribbey. W. B.
Trousdale and his family established Trousdale in 1904, a few miles south of
Tribbey. And Wanette moved north to meet the newcomers."
John Fortson, POTT COUNTY AND WHAT HAS BECOME OF IT, A History of Pottawatomie County, [Pottawatomie Historical Society, n.p., 1936], p. 76
Author: Roger L. Roberson, Jr. • Last updated: 11 January 2003