Family of Nathan and Dora May (Barnett) Gibson

This old photo, with the labelling written right on it, is of the entire family of Nathan and Dora May (Barnett) Gibson.  As the baby is believed to be their son, George Con, born 2 June 1911, then this photo was taken in front of their home, somewhere in Oklahoma, about 1912.

photo_gibson_nathan_family.jpg (43771 bytes)

Kneeling or standing across the back, l. to r., we have Elton Dallas, Clara [Nathan's mother], Emma Callie, and Mary Etta Elizabeth Gibson.  Across the middle row, l. to r., we have oldest son, James Burton, Leita Virta, Nathan, Virgia Opal, and Dora May (Barnett) Gibson.  In front, l. to r., we have the two little boys, Calvin Bryant, and baby George Con.

Second oldest daughter, Pearl Gibson, died a few days after birth in November 1891.

Author: Roger L. Roberson, Jr.   •   Last updated: 11 January 2003
