Phinney Family Photos

The following images are all that have been discovered of our Phinney family heritage.   Each picture here can be "clicked" to see a larger image and more information.

photo_phinney_john_family.GIF (7863 bytes) Family of John Bartlett Phinney

This is the only known photograph in existence of the John B. Phinney Family.  The original had no identifying names on it, but we can be quite sure of who it portrays.

As an educated guess, this photograph was taken about 1915 in Springfield, Missouri, the family home.

photo_phinney_john_and_grandchildren.GIF (4680 bytes) John Bartlett Phinney and Grandchildren

This photo is of John Bartlett Phinney and his grandchildren.  The original does not indicate when or where it was taken.

The photo was probably taken in about 1926 in Kansas City, Missouri.

photo_phinney_george.GIF (3609 bytes) George Paine Phinney

This portrait is of George Paine Phinney, as a young man.  The original does not indicate when or where it was taken.

This portrait is believed to have been taken in the early 1920s, probably in the family home at 124 S. Belmont in Kansas City, Missouri.

photo_124_s_belmont.GIF (4145 bytes) 124 S. Belmont.

This shows the Phinney home, originally built by George Paine Phinney and his sister Blanche.   This house was the Phinney home for many, many years.

It is not known when this photo was taken.  It is the family home at 124 S. Belmont in Kansas City, Missouri.

photo_phinney_george_and_cornelia_wedding.GIF (3707 bytes) Wedding of George Phinney and Cornelia Pfennighausen

This portrait shows the family of George Paine Phinney.  From an ornament on the right side, it appears to have been taken around Christmas time.

This portrait is believed to have been taken in December 1936 or 1937 in the family home at 124 S. Belmont in Kansas City, Missouri.

photo_phinney_george_family.GIF (4844 bytes) Family of George Paine Phinney

This portrait shows the family of George Paine Phinney.  From an ornament on the right side, it appears to have been taken around Christmas time.

This portrait is believed to have been taken in December 1936 or 1937 in the family home at 124 S. Belmont in Kansas City, Missouri.

photo_phinney_george_and_cornelia.GIF (4115 bytes) George and Cornelia Phinney

This portrait shows the family of George Paine Phinney.  From an ornament on the right side, it appears to have been taken around Christmas time.

This portrait is believed to have been taken in December 1936 or 1937 in the family home at 124 S. Belmont in Kansas City, Missouri.

The author thanks those who have been willing to share their pictures.   If anyone would be interested in adding to this collection, the rest of the family would be grateful!  Please send a message with details.

Author: Roger L. Roberson, Jr.   •   Last updated: 27 March 2003